Message from the AmbassadorOman's-UN-Ambassador-Dr-Mohamed-Alhassan

Dear visitor,

I welcome you to the official website of the Permanent Mission of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations, in New York.

I hope that you will find here the information you seek about the United Nations, international issues and the policies and role of the Sultanate in maintaining international peace and security.

If you need more information or help, please contact the Permanent Mission of Oman directly, through the contact information shown.

Respectful greetings,

Dr Mohamed bin Awad Alhassan,
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations in New York.

The United Nations

The United Nations was established on October 24th, 1945, in the American city of San Francisco, in the aftermath of World War II.

The United Nations Organisation is guided in its work by the noble goals and objectives contained in the Charter of the United Nations. Foremost of these is sparing subsequent generations the scourge of war and establishing a more secure and stable world.

The United Nations provides an international platform accessible to all 193 member states for consultation, cooperation and coordination on international issues of common concern.

Key objectives

The Permanent Mission of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations in New York is the official representative of the Government of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations system, its principal organs and its subsidiary bodies.

The Permanent Mission represents Oman in international meetings, conferences and forums held at the UN Headquarters, in New York.

The Permanent Mission is keen to defend the noble causes and values, pursued by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman, foremost of which is to disseminate and promote international peace and security.

The Permanent Mission seeks to spread Oman's eternal message, calling for peace and dialogue while promoting opportunities for cooperation and peaceful coexistence between peoples and states.

Oman and the United Nations

The Sultanate of Oman joined the United Nations on October 7th, 1971.

His late Highness Tarik bin Taimur Al Said, the then Prime Minister of Oman, represented the Sultanate in the General Assembly meeting during which the Oman’s membership was accepted.

As an active member of the international community, Oman works hard to participate positively and effectively in all meetings of the councils, associations, committees and bodies of the United Nations.

Oman has been honoured to hold the presidency of many councils and committees of the United Nations, including the UN Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the United Nations Children's Fund, and the Committee on Special Political Issues and Decolonisation.

For more information about Oman and the UN please click here.

Peace diplomacy

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has reaffirmed the constants of Oman’s foreign policy.

This policy is based on respect for the sovereignty of states and non-interference in the internal affairs of others.

It seeks to strengthen good-neighbourly relations and the peaceful coexistence of nations and peoples. It stresses the importance of seeking to resolve differences by peaceful means and dialogue.

The Sultanate of Oman enjoys a reputation as a peace-loving country and a supporter of peace diplomacy. Peace diplomacy has become a well-established approach within the core principles of Oman's foreign policy.