Flag of Oman

Kenya: Oman at Arab Ambassadors Council

2024-01-31T07:27:45+00:005 December 2023|

Nasra Salim Mohamed Alhashmi. Oman's Ambassador to Kenya, attended a meeting of the Council of Arab Ambassadors, at the headquarters of the Nairobi mission of the Arab League. The Council [...]

Kenya: Oman at meeting with Foreign Minister

2023-11-29T16:01:09+00:0027 November 2023|

The Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Nairobi, represented by Saeed Al Amri, Charge d’Affaires, participated in a meeting that took place between Musalia Mudavadi, Kenya's Prime Cabinet Secretary [...]

Kenya: Oman at conference on UN biodiversity

2023-10-17T08:26:49+00:0015 October 2023|

The Chargé d'Affairs of Oman's Embassy to Kenya headed the delegation of the Sultanate participating in the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity [...]

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