
Sayyid Fahd leaves for Qatar

Published On: 5 December 2023

This morning, His Highness Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers, left for the State of Qatar to head the Sultanate of Oman’s delegation at the forty-fourth summit of leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, which will be held later this evening.


His Highness was seen off by Sheikh Al Fadl bin Mohammed Al Harthy, Secretary General of the Council of Ministers; Dr Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Harrasi, Minister of Information; Dr Saud bin Hamood bin Ahmed Al Habsi, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources; Dr Rahma bint Ibrahim bin Said Al Mahrouqiyah, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Innovation and Dr Hilal bin Ali Al Sabti, Minister of Health.


His Highness is accompanied by an official delegation that includes a number of Ministers and government officials.


This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
