
Sayyid Asaad heads Omani delegation to Arab summit

Published On: 19 May 2023

Delegated by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, His Highness Sayyid Asaad bin Tarik Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for International Relations and Cooperation Affairs, and Personal Representative of His Majesty the Sultan, headed the delegation of the Sultanate of Oman to the 32nd Regular Arab Summit, which was held today in the city of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the presence of a number of leaders of states and heads of governments.


His Highness was received upon his arrival by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

At the opening of the summit Sayyid Asaad delivered a speech as follows:

“Upon the start of this blessed gathering, I am delighted to convey to you the greetings of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, Sultan of Oman, and his sincere wishes, his support and his backing for the tasks of the 32nd Arab Summit on the land of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, headed by his brethren the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz.

“We, in the Sultanate of Oman, perceive that the success of this summit has been achieved through the the Arab nation’ closing ranks, thanks to the wisdom of King Salman and the leaders of Arab countries.

“Thanks and salutes to the sincere efforts of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, to the successful initiatives and to the monarch’s brethren, the Arab leaders, for their endeavours to revive Arab solidarity, to end the region’s crises through Arab solutions and to pave the way for a bright stage in the nation’s march.

“This will benefit our countries, our peoples and our Arab nation. It will undoubtedly reflect positively on other countries of the world, since our Arab world represents an important pillar in the world.

“We would also like to express our thanks to Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the Arab League, and to the Secretariat-General for their efforts in preparing for this summit and for their constructive role in developing the joint Arab action.

“The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Your Majesties, Your Highnesses and Your Excellencies, Heads of delegations,

“In his first nation address after assuming power, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, Sultan of Oman, pledged to continue backing the Arab League, cooperate with leaders of Arab countries, improve the lives of citizens, distance this region from conflicts and disagreements and take steps to achieve economic integration that serves the aspirations of the Arab peoples.

“From the vantage point of those principles and goals, we are pleased to welcome the resumption of the active participation of the brotherly Syrian Arab Republic in the tasks of the League of Arab States.

“We would like to express satisfaction with the presence and participation of President Bashar al-Assad in this summit. We are confident that, God willing, Syria will—with the determination of its men, women and youth—restore its status as a historical edifice and a recognized Arab lighthouse.

“The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Your Majesties, Your Highnesses and Your Excellencies, Heads of delegations,

“We, in the Sultanate of Oman, like other countries and peoples who love justice and peace, believe that the inability of the international community to find a fair settlement for the suffering of the Palestinian people is the source of the tensions that from time to time afflict the region and the world.

“We cannot hope for a future for peoples that lies in coexistence and stability without applying the principles and standards of international law, as well as resolutions of international legitimacy, to the Palestinian cause or without granting the Palestinian people the right to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the borders of 4 June 1967, in accordance with Security Council resolutions issued in this regard, the Arab Peace Initiative and the principle of Land for Peace.

“In conclusion, we are confident that preserving and developing the Arab League will consolidate the bonds of cooperation, integration and exchange of benefits among our countries and other countries of the world. This confidence stems from the cultural heritage of the Arab nation, its civilised history and its scholarly contribution to humanity.

“We hereby affirm our ability, as an Arab nation, to elevate our countries to broader horizons of prosperity and progress and place our peoples in the position that they deserve.”

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This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.