Political Undersecretary meets with Helsinki Policy Forum
Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs, met with Kirsika Lehto Asikainen, Special Ambassador of the Helsinki Policy Forum and Gulf Affairs Organisation and head of the delegation from the Peace Mediation Centre of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
During the meeting, opinions were exchanged on mediation and its importance in resolving political differences. The meeting also discussed the latest regional developments.
The meeting was attended by Anu-Eerika Viljanen, non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the Sultanate of Oman and Ambassador Sheikh Humaid Almaani, Head of the Foreign Ministry's Global Affairs Department.
The Helsinki Policy Forum was established in February 2014 to provide an ‘unofficial’ space for an open, honest and frank dialogue on challenges and opportunities facing the Gulf, Middle East and North Africa region and Europe.
The Forum provides the opportunity for senior diplomats, parliamentarians, government officials, and climate and health experts to meet regularly in-person and online to deepen their understanding of issues of mutual concern and to explore together effective responses.
The Forum is organised and facilitated by Forward Thinking in collaboration with participating governments and is supported and hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.
This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.