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Omani-Brazilian Business Forum discusses trade

Published On: 9 March 2024

The Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce organised an Omani-Brazilian Business Forum in the Brazilian city of São Paulo.

The aim was to increase the volume of trade between Oman and Brazil and create a common platform for companies in both countries.

Rashid bin Amer Al Musalhi, First Deputy Chairman the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said: “The forum comes within the framework of the strategic directions approved by the Chamber’s Board of Directors to serve the private sector in expanding the base of economic diversification and improving the business environment by holding meetings with a number of commercial institutions and companies.”

He said the forum, which resulted from cooperation between the Chamber and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, aimed to introduce investment opportunities in Oman. He said the Omani market had great investment potential which enabled it to attract opportunities from South America in general and Brazil in particular.

He said Oman's geographical location made it a centre for re-exporting Brazilian products and goods to many emerging markets. Due to its proximity to markets with direct sea links, he expressed his hope that Brazil will be a gateway for Omani products and investments to enter the promising South American markets.

He explained that during the forum, Brazilian companies were invited to participate in the Omani-Brazilian Investment Forum and the accompanying exhibition for Brazilian companies and institutions which is scheduled to be held next May in Muscat. He said the Chamber was ready to provide all the facilities for the success of the conference which was an important step in creating new business partnerships serving the Omani and Brazilian markets.

William Adib Dib Júnior, Vice Chairman of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, stressed the significance of the opportunities between Oman and Brazil to strengthen relations  through trade and investment exchange, noting that Brazil had found in Oman a major partner in the fertiliser sector.

He added in his speech that Oman had a strategic geographical location through which Brazilian products could reach a number of international markets including Asia and Africa.

Dr Abdullah bin Masoud Al Harthy, a member of the Board of Directors of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said, “Through this visit and the establishment of this forum, the Chamber seeks to go beyond the stage of exploring areas of cooperation between the two countries and to reach activities that bring together commercial, industrial and investment companies between the Oman and Brazil.”

He said the meetings and dialogues that took place during the forum showed the extent of the willingness of Brazilian companies to enter the Omani market and compete for the commercial, industrial and investment opportunities available in various sectors such as energy, mining, food security, health, and infrastructure.

During the forum, a working paper was presented by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion on the most prominent investment opportunities in Oman and its most important commercial sectors, the facilities and incentives it provides to foreign investors, and the opportunities available to companies wishing to access neighbouring markets.

The forum included a number of meetings between Brazilian companies and institutions and members of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry delegation with the aim of identifying the most important investment opportunities available and the facilities provided to Brazilian companies.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.