The Sultanate of Oman participates in the Diplomatic Conference on Intellectual Property in Geneva

Oman takes part in Intellectual Property Conference

Published On: 14 May 2024

Oman participated in a diplomatic conference on concluding an international legal instrument on intellectual property and genetic resources.

The conference was organised by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva with the participation of more than 1,200 participants and senior officials from member states.

The conference, which continues until May 24, aims to enhance the effectiveness of the patent system, ensure its transparency and quality with regard to genetic resources and avoid incorrectly granting patents for non-new and non-innovative inventions.

Oman's Permanent Representative to the United Nations and international organisations in Geneva, Ambassador Idris bin Abdul Rahman Alkhanjari, presented a statement noting the ancient cultural heritage and geographical position that the Sultanate enjoys.

He said that contributed to its interaction with other civilisations renewing its commitment to interacting with international initiatives in the areas of intellectual property.

The Ambassador praised the unique and diverse genetic resources that Oman is proud of, whether from animal, plant or marine sources.

He indicated the extent of Oman’s interest in intellectual property, reflected in the continuous updating of national laws and legislation concerned with the protection of intellectual property rights.

The Ambassador noted the importance of the conference's role in accelerating negotiations in order to reach a fair and balanced agreement that responds to the challenges facing traditional knowledge and genetic resources, such as unfair exploitation and violation of intellectual property rights.

He said an agreement would allow local communities to approve and gain economic value from their genetic resources and traditional knowledge.

The Ambassador affirmed Oman’s support for the conference expressing his hope that it would result in a balanced and comprehensive international legal instrument that benefits member states, especially developing countries.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.