
Oman Syria Joint Committee meets

Published On: 13 July 2023

The work of the sixth session of the Omani-Syrian Joint Committee was concluded in Muscat today.

During the meetings, Oman and Syria explored cooperation in economic, investment, industrial, agricultural, cultural and media fields.


The Omani delegation was headed by Dr Said Mohammed Al Saqri, Minister of Economy, while the Syrian delegation was led by Dr Mohammed Samer Al Khalil, Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade.

Dr Al Saqri said in a speech that the volume of commercial exchanges between Oman and Syria grew by 18% over the past five years, from 2018 to 2022.

He pointed out that the two countries share great potential for augmenting trade in the field of goods and services, among other spheres.

The Syrian minister said that the round of talks covered a review of memoranda of understanding (MoU) and agreements which were signed in a bid to boost joint cooperation.


Three MoUs and an executive programme in the field of media were signed on the sidelines of the 6th session’s meetings.


The first MoU and executive programme is aimed at consolidating ties of cooperation in the field of media, notably between the two countries’ news agencies and in technical and engineering fields, as well as joint production of radio and television programmes, drama, e-media, foreign media, media content production and media training.

The second MoU deals with developing small and medium enterprises (SMEs), with a view to establishing a strategic economic partnership, encouraging investment in media-related SMEs and enhancing bilateral cooperation between SMEs from both sides.

This MoU focuses on establishing business incubators and technology support centres, furnishing a suitable environment to stimulate innovation and invention, organising seminars and exhibitions and exchanging visits and training courses.


The third memorandum dealt with the mutual recognition of certificates of competence and eligibility for seafarers. Emphasis was laid on mutual recognition of the maritime education and training systems, including the accreditation of certificates of competence issued to captains, officers and operators of the global safety and relief system.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
