
Oman-Morocco Joint Committee meets

Published On: 4 July 2023

A session of the Omani-Moroccan Joint Committee was held in the Moroccan capital, Rabat today, co-chaired by Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi and Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates.

After the session a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding were signed relating to diplomatic training, maritime transport, ports, consumer protection and railways.


During the Committee session, Sayyid Badr observed that relations between Oman and Morocco are long-standing and stable, He added that these relations are currently developing on various economic and cultural tracks through constructive cooperation in promising fields with tangible returns for both sides, especially in the economic and investment sectors.

Sayyid Badr praised the care and attention given to relations between the two countries by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik and his His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

Their work had paved the way for a number of cooperation programmes, agreements and memoranda of understanding. The Minister said these demonstrated Oman's support for the future of partnership and its aspiration to translate this into results on the ground in the form of economic projects that bring benefits and investment opportunities, whether small, medium or large.

Sayyid Badr stressed the Sultanate's continued  commitment to consult, coordinate and cooperate in addressing the challenges facing the region in order to further security and stability. The Minister said that the political visions of the two countries are aligned on many regional and international issues, stressing the importance of resolving such issues through dialogue and realistic peaceful means, based on the rules of international law and respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and legitimate rights of states.

The Minister also spoke of the importance of continuing to call on the international community to implement international law to help the brotherly Palestinian people to achieve their full independence on the basis of Security Council resolutions, the 1967 borders and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The Moroccan Foreign Minister said that, under the wise leadership of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, the Sultanate of Oman played a distinguished role in establishing the foundations of security and peace both in the region and internationally.

Nasser Bourita also spoke of the need to work to strengthen bilateral cooperation in all political, economic, commercial, industrial, and development fields that can open new horizons for cooperation between the two countries in order to achieve their aspirations and hopes.

After reviewing what was discussed and agreed upon, the joint minutes of the sixth session of the Omani-Moroccan Committee were signed.

Oman-Morocco Joint Committee meets2

The meeting was attended by Dr Said Mohammed Albarami, Oman's Ambassador to Morocco; Sheikh Faisal bin Omar Al Marhoon, Head of the Oman Foreign Ministry's Arab Department; Tarik Al Hussaisen, Morocco's Ambassador to Oman and Ambassador Fouad Akhraif, Director of Maghreb, Gulf and Arab and Islamic Organisations at the Moroccan Foreign Ministry.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.