Foreign Ministry Statement

Oman condemns the extremist statements of an Israeli occupation official

Published On: 21 March 2023

Oman's Foreign Ministry expressed the Sultanate's condemnation and denunciation of extremist, racist statements made by an Israeli occupation official, in which he denied the existence of the brotherly Palestinian people. It also condemned the official's use of a misleading map that goes against the facts and international law.

In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry today, Oman expressed its total rejection of such provocative, irresponsible statements and actions, saying they represent a clear violation of all international laws and norms, calling on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities by deterring these incitements targeting the Palestinian people.

Oman reiterated its support for all regional and international efforts aimed at achieving a just and comprehensive peace that would enable the brotherly Palestinian people to obtain all their legitimate rights and to establish their independent state on the 1967 borders ,with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the two-state solution, resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab peace initiative.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
