
Oman condemns desecration of Holy Quran by Dutch extremists

Published On: 25 September 2023

The Foreign Ministry has expressed the Sultanate of Oman’s strong condemnation of the continued desecration of copies of the Holy Qur’an in front of embassies in The Hague by a group of extremists in the Netherlands.

In a Foreign Ministry statement, the Sultanate condemned such repeated provocations of Muslim feelings and sacred beliefs and the incitement to violence and hatred they represent.

The Sultanate renewed its call to the international community to take a firmer stance by criminalising all acts that incite hatred and hostility to religions and cultures.

It stated that such actions contradict the values of peaceful coexistence and tolerance between societies and stand as an obstacle to building a world of peace and mutual respect.

In its speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Saturday (September 23rd) Oman called on the international community “to establish clear legislation to criminalise actions that threaten peace, social stability, national security, and communities.”

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.