
Oman condemns continued massacres and war crimes by Israeli occupation forces

Published On: 4 November 2023

The Sultanate of Oman has strongly condemned the ongoing massacres and war crimes being committed by Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people.

This includes the shocking massacre yesterday that targeted the Osama bin Zaid school affiliated to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the near East) in the north of the  Gaza Strip yesterday, where hundreds of Palestinian families had sought refuge from the destructive bombing by Israeli forces.

Today, the Israeli occupation forces also bombed the UNRWA-affiliated Al-Fakhura school in Jabalia, the entrance to the Al-Nasr children's hospital in west Gaza and a public water tank that supplies neighbourhoods in east Rafah in the southern part of the Strip.

In an official statement from the Foreign Ministry,  Oman said the international community needed to wake up to its moral, legal, and humanitarian responsibilities to put an end to Israel’s blatant disregard for and violation of international laws, conventions and treaties.

It called for the International Criminal Court to establish a tribunal for the war crimes committed against the Palestinian people in Gaza and to pursue the war criminals responsible for the massacres committed.

The Ministry stated that an immediate halt to this brutal war is needed urgently and that the international community should not take Israeli actions lightly. It said the international community should adopt a firm stance with regard to the ongoing Israeli violations against unarmed innocent civilians. The international community should also ensure the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, it added.

Recalling international resolutions on Palestine and the steadfast Omani positions on the Palestinian issue, the Ministry calls for Israel's withdrawal from all occupied Palestinian territories to the 1967 borders. It also calls the Palestinian people to be allowed to establish an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the two-state solution and in line with international resolutions.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.