
Geneva: Oman asserts support for rights of Palestinian people

Published On: 11 July 2023

The Sultanate of Oman has affirmed its firm position on the need to end the Israeli occupation. It voiced strong support for all the rights of the Palestinian people and its recognition of their independent, sovereign state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Oman backed the Palestinian people’s entitlement to gain their full rights in accordance with approved international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, as well as international resolutions on the withdrawal of Israel from occupied Arab lands, including the Syrian Golan Heights and Lebanese territories.

This was stated in a speech delivered by the Oman at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva as part of an interactive dialogue on the report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Palestine and the occupied Arab territories since 1967 .

The statement was delivered by Ambassador Idris bin Abdul Rahman Alkhanjari, Oman’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and international organisations in Geneva.

Oman commended the work of the Special Rapporteur, who, in her report, described the occupation regime as incorrigible and called for an end to the occupation, which, she said, was the cause of all tragedies in the occupied Arab lands, particularly Palestine.

Oman supported the Special Rapporteur’s report and her call on the international community to undertake punitive measures against the occupying power, in addition to all legal, diplomatic and economic means authorised by international law, without prejudice or double standards.

It hailed the Special Rapporteur’s “courage and her stand siding with truth”.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.