Sheikh Khalifa-Human-Trafficking-Campaign-Gala

NCCHT launches renewed human trafficking awareness campaign

Published On: 3 September 2023

The National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking (NCCHT), has launched its awareness campaign for 2023 under the theme “Insan” (Human).

The aim of the two-month campaign is to make people more aware of the crime of human trafficking, its various forms and the laws in place to tackle it.

A central message of the campaign is that all people should be treated with dignity and respect.

The Insan campaign, which is being run for the second time, will also seek to highlight the efforts of the Sultanate to combat and reduce human trafficking. The campaign was launched at an event hosted by Sheikh Khalifa Al Harthy, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs and Chairman of the NCCHT.

The campaign which targets all sections of society, will promote awareness messages in several languages including Arabic, English, Urdu, Bengali, and Filipino. Campaign messages will also be promoted through advertising billboards, digital screens at Muscat International Airport and Salalah Airport, websites and social media. The campaign will also be promoted through events, lectures, workshops, articles, press releases and television and radio interviews.

Sheikh Khalifa-Human-Trafficking-Campaign-Gala

Speaking at the launch of the campaign, Sheikh Khalifa said that Oman pays great attention to combating the crime of human trafficking and all the practices related to it, as they are not consistent with the principles and values of human dignity and represent an attack on human rights.

The Political Undersecretary said that as part of its drive to raise community awareness of the crime of human trafficking, the NCCHT runs a website which provides a method of reporting cases of trafficking online to the authorities and requesting assistance in approximately 14 international languages. It also offers information on legislation and identifying trafficking victims.

He added that the campaign also seeks to highlight efforts to provide care and support for victims of this crime, to educate people about how to spot and report cases of human trafficking, to educate society about the suffering human trafficking creates and the legal penalties facing those who commit this crime.Human-Trafficking-Campaign

The campaign launch ceremony, which was held at the Diplomatic Club, was attended by Foreign Ambassadors to the Sultanate of Oman and members of the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.