Foreign Minister Badr's speech to G20 Ministers meeting in New York

Minister speaks at G20 Foreign Ministers' meeting

26 September 2024

Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi delivered an important speech at the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting held on 25 September 2024. He began by congratulating the Federative Republic of Brazil on assuming the G20 Presidency and expressed Oman's appreciation for Brazil's initiative to open this significant meeting to all UN members.

He praised Brazil’s emphasis on inclusivity and fair representation, as well as its focus on the urgent challenges facing the Global South, such as hunger, climate disasters and development financing.

Sayyid Badr said that these issues cannot be addressed by any single nation, but require collective efforts driven by international cooperation and solidarity.

The Foreign Minister reaffirmed Oman’s full support for the ongoing efforts by Brazil, the G20, and the United Nations to reform global institutions. He stressed the need for these institutions to evolve to keep pace with the complex challenges of today’s interconnected world, where cooperation and interdependence between nations, economies and societies are essential for progress.

He noted that many of these institutions are no longer adequately equipped to resolve conflicts, prevent climate change or tackle shared global challenges.

Sayyid Badr cited the Palestinian issue as a clear example of these failures, pointing out that the massacre of civilians continues despite the UN General Assembly’s consensus on achieving justice and upholding international law. He expressed regret over the Security Council’s ineffectiveness in stopping violence and bloodshed.

The Foreign Minister highlighted that the unbalanced nature of global decision-making bodies is a major obstacle to achieving effective solutions. He said that the structure of some of these institutions is still based on the flawed notion that the voices of certain nations are more important than others, which erodes trust and weakens multilateralism.

Sayyid Badr said Oman welcomed the initiative aimed at enhancing the role of the General Assembly and ensuring that global governance becomes more representative, effective, transparent and accountable.

He reiterated Oman’s belief in the power of inclusivity, emphasising that no nation should be left behind and that the voices of all countries must be heard and respected equally.

In closing, he emphasised the importance of cooperation, not only within institutions, but also between nations and peoples. He noted that interdependence — whether economic, technological, or diplomatic—is the bridge that will enable us to more effectively address common challenges.

He praised the leadership of Brazil and other forward-thinking nations that are striving to foster connectivity and achieve the positive change the world so urgently needs.

Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr concluded by expressing Oman’s anticipation of working with all G20 member states to build a more just and interconnected world and to strengthen the Pact for the Future that seeks to promote international cooperation.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.