
Statement on International Court’s resolutions on Israeli violation of humanitarian obligations

Published On: 26 January 2024

The Foreign Ministry has studied the decision of the International Court of Justice in The Hague issued today, in the lawsuit filed by the Republic of South Africa against the Israeli occupying state regarding Israel’s clear, deliberate and widespread violation of its legal and humanitarian obligations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

An official Foreign Ministry statement says that while the Sultanate of Oman welcomes the court’s decisions and stresses the importance of adhering to these resolutions, it also stresses the necessity of immediately stopping all forms of Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories. The statement also calls for lifting the siege imposed on Gaza to ensure safe entry for all types of humanitarian needs.

In the statement, Oman also calls on the international community to oblige Israel, the occupying state,  to stop military operations and acts of genocide against the Palestinian people.

Oman expresses its deep appreciation to the Republic of South Africa for its honourable position in standing by human rights and justice and its filing of this lawsuit before the court.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.

Commenting on social media on the ICJ's decision, Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi welcomed the the Court's ruling that Israel must “prevent and punish” incitement to genocide. ” Israel must no longer be allowed to contravene international law without consequences,” he added.