Launching the eighth edition of the program of foundations and principles guiding state policy

Launch of training programme in principles of Oman's foreign policy

Published On: 22 October 2023

A training programme in the “Foundations and Principles Guiding State Policy” was launched today at the Diplomatic Club.

The programme aims to acquaint senior managers in government units with the decision-making mechanism for the foreign policy of the Sultanate of Oman and the principles on which these decisions are based.

The three-day-programme, which is organised by the Ministry of Labour, seeks to define the role of government units to work with the Foreign Ministry to attract foreign investment and major projects to the country. This is being achieved through activating the economic functions of the diplomatic corps and developing marketing and media channels in a way that serves the goals of ‘Oman Vision 2040'.

The training will also introduce participants to international organisations, their goals, divisions and roles in activating files that affect humanitarian issues and other issues with an international perspective.

Khalid Almuslahi, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs, said in a speech that this was the eighth time the programme has been run, adding that Oman is moving steadily but rapidly to enhance its prestigious position in various fields among the countries of the world, following the path outlined by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik.

Launching the eighth edition of the program of foundations and principles guiding state policy

Undersecretary Khalid added that this year’s programme aims to enhance the participants' capabilities and equip them with the skills and knowledge to raise their performance and develop the work of institutions in line with the objectives of Oman Vision 2040.

This is part of the effort being made by the Ministry of Labour, the Foreign Ministry and other state institutions to highlight the political, economic and developmental aspects of the foreign relations of the Sultanate of Oman, which are based on extending a hand of friendship to all peoples combined with mutual respect and constructive cooperation with countries.

The programme also aims to address various regional and international issues according to clear and consistent principles and policies, to achieve security and stability for all.

Undersecretary Khalid said that the programme highlights the core values of the Sultanate’s foreign policy, its work within the framework of bilateral international cooperation or through regional and international organisations, as well as its positions on various current regional and international issues.

He explained that the programme will cover a variety of political, economic and security topics, as well as an introduction to the tasks and specialised work of the Foreign Ministry, especially in economic diplomacy, consular matters and matters of ceremonial protocol.

Dr Muhammad Mustafa Al Najjar, Director General of the General Directorate of Training at the Ministry of Labour, delivered a speech, in which he said that the Ministry attaches great importance to this programme because it discusses the most important core values of the Sultanate’s foreign policy as stated in the Basic Law of the State. He said the programme also covers a number of topics related to treaties, international agreements, human rights principles and the work of embassies, consulates and regional and international organisations, as well as the role of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the League of Arab States.

He added that the training programme includes a number of topics related to key aspects of diplomacy, administration and security. Taken together these aim to provide participants with the necessary knowledge to show them how to analyse events and situations and deal with them in light of the available information as a precursor to making sound decisions.

The opening of the programme was sponsored by Sayyid Salem bin Muslim Al Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour for Human Resources Development.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.