
Joint statement from Oman and Jordan

Published On: 6 July 2023

The eleventh session of the Joint Ministerial Committee between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Sultanate of Oman was held in Amman today.

The Jordanian delegation was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Al Safadi, and the Omani delegation was chaired by Oman's Foreign Minister, Sayyid Badr Albusaidi.

Oman and Jordan discussed the strong historical fraternal relationship that binds the two brotherly countries and its particularity, which has been strengthened by the care and attention it receives from His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein, the King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and his brother, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, Sultan of the Sultanate of Oman. This constitutes a unique model of solid brotherhood based on respect and understanding and the convergence of points of view on all issues of the region and the challenges it faces, as well as the common and permanent aspiration to achieve greater achievements in the interest of the two brotherly peoples, with more cooperation and joint coordination to deal with all challenges.

Oman and Jordan reviewed the path of bilateral cooperation between the two brotherly countries and the progress and development witnessed, stressing the importance of expanding the horizons of joint cooperation in the economic, trade and investment fields, supporting the role of the private sector in increasing the volume of trade exchange between the two countries, and enhancing joint cooperation in areas of great economic return. such as industry, agriculture, environment, transportation, communications, information technology and the digital economy, and the fields of health, education, tourism, culture and media, for the good and benefit of the two brotherly countries and peoples.

Oman and Jordan stressed the centrality of the Palestinian issue and the need to reach a just solution to it that ends the occupation and fulfills all the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, on the basis of the two-state solution that embodies the independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the lines of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital and in accordance with international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

Oman and Jordan also stressed the importance of the role of the historical Hashemite Custodianship over the Islamic and Christian sanctities in Jerusalem in protecting the sanctities, their Arab, Islamic and Christian identity and the existing historical and legal situation in them.

Oman and Jordan stressed the need to respect the role of the Department of Endowments of Jerusalem and the Affairs of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque affiliated to the Jordanian Ministry of Endowments, Islamic Affairs and Holy Sites, in its capacity as the authority that has the exclusive competence to manage the affairs of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque (Al Haram Al Sharif) , which in its entirety constitutes a pure place of worship for Muslims and to regulate entry to it.

Oman and Jordan also affirmed their absolute rejection of all measures targeting the Christian presence in occupied East Jerusalem and changing the existing historical and legal status there, including Islamic and Christian properties and endowments.

The two Ministers condemned the continuous attacks on the occupied Palestinian territories, the most recent of which was on the city of Jenin, and warned of the repercussions of the continuation and consolidation of the occupation and the illegitimate unilateral steps that undermine the two-state solution.

Oman and Jordan stressed the need for the international community to take practical and urgent steps to provide the necessary financial support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to fill the financial deficit faced by the Agency to ensure it can continue to provide services to the Palestinian refugees in accordance with its UN mandate and to continue providing its vital services to the refugees.

The two Ministers stressed the importance of the Arab role, which was launched after the Jeddah and Amman meetings, to contribute to efforts to reach a solution to the Syrian crisis according to the step-by-step methodology and in line with UN Resolution 2254, and addresses all its humanitarian, political and security consequences. They also welcomed the decision of the League of Arab States Council at the ministerial level No. 8914.

The two Ministers stressed that the solution to the refugee issue lies in their voluntary return to Syria, which necessitates intensifying targeted efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

Oman and Jordan reviewed a number of regional and international crises, and stressed the need to work together in order to strengthen joint Arab action in a way that supports the capabilities of dealing with all regional and international challenges. Their visions are agreed on strengthening their endeavours to mobilise the efforts of the international community in order to reach political settlements to the crises in the region and the world, in a way that contributes to reaching political solutions that consolidate peace and stability.

The Committee welcomed the results of the meeting of the technical preparatory committee, which was held via online video link, headed by the Secretary General of the Jordanian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ms. Dana Al Zoubi and the head of the Arab Department in the Omani Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Faisal bin Omar Almarhoon.

On the sidelines of the committee's meetings, Oman and Jordan signed a number of agreements, memoranda of understanding and executive programmes in the fields of industrial cities, youth, the environment, consumer protection and educational cooperation.

Oman and Jordan also agreed to hold the twelfth session of the Joint Ministerial Committee in the Sultanate of Oman in 2024 , on a date to be determined through diplomatic channels.

Sayyid Badr expressed his thanks and appreciation for the warm reception and generous hospitality that he and the accompanying delegation enjoyed during their stay in the sisterly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.