
His Majesty sends message to Palestinian President

Published On: 7 July 2023

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has sent a written message to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, regarding bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and ways of enhancing them.

The message was handed over by Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi when the President received him at the Presidential Palace in Ramallah.

Sayyid Badr conveyed the greetings and good wishes of His Majesty to President Abbas and the brotherly Palestinian people, affirming His Majesty's unwavering support for the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the borders of 1967, in accordance with the two-state solution, the principle of land for peace international resolutions and the Arab peace initiative.

President Abbas expressed his sincere greetings and good wishes to His Majesty, and to the Omani people, for continued progress and development. He expressed his personal appreciation as well as the appreciation of all the Palestinian people for the position of the Sultanate of Oman in supporting the right and justice of the Palestinian cause.

During their meeting, President Abbas and Sayyid Badr reviewed developments in Palestine and at the regional and international levels. They discussed the efforts being made to stop the escalation of violence and to use reason, logic and international law to push the international community towards supporting efforts to resume the peace process. They agreed on the overriding importance of the interests of the Palestinian people and the realisation of their aspirations for independence, freedom, security and stability.

The meeting was attended from Oman by Khalid Almuslahi, Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs of the Sultanate's Foreign Ministry; Sheikh Faisal bin Omar bin Saeed Almarhoon, Head of the Foreign Ministry's Arab Department; Salem bin Habib Alomairi, Chargé d’Affairs of Oman's Embassy in Ramallah, and the delegation accompanying the Minister.

Representing Palestine at the meeting were Dr Ziad Abu Amr, Deputy Prime Minister for Diplomatic Affairs and Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation; Riyadh Al Maliki, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates; Mahmoud Al Habbash, Chief Justice of Palestine and Advisor to the President for Religious Affairs; Nabil Abu Rudeineh, Spokesman for the Palestinian Presidency and Minister of Information; Majdi Al Khalidi, Adviser to the President for Diplomatic Affairs; Atallah Khair, Palestine's Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and a number of officials.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.