His Majesty receives Ambassadors' credentials

Published On: 19 June 2023

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik received one by one at Al-Baraka Palace this morning the credentials of a number of ambassadors to the Sultanate of Oman.

His Majesty accepted the credentials of:

Lenka Mihalikova, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Oman,

Pascal Gregoire, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Oman,

Alfred Gakuba Kalisa, Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to Oman,

Guy Ibrahim Memborou, Ambassador of the Gabonese Republic to Oman,

Vladimir Andres Gonzalez Quesada, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Oman,

Dang Xuan Dung, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Oman,

Nuno Mathias, Ambassador of the Portuguese Republic to Oman,

Carlos Zapata Lopez, Ambassador of the Republic of Peru Oman,

and Sašo Podlesnik, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Oman.

During their meetings with His Majesty the Sultan, the Ambassadors conveyed the greetings of the leaders of their countries to His Majesty and their wishes for good health, happiness and a long life for the Sultan and continued progress, advancement and prosperity for the Omani people.

They expressed their honour and great happiness to present their credentials to His Majesty, promising their utmost efforts to promote relations of their countries with the Sultanate of Oman in order to serve the mutual interests of the Omani people and the peoples of their countries.

His Majesty welcomed the Ambassadors, thanking the leaders of their countries for their greetings and good wishes, assuring them that they would receive all support from His Majesty, the Government and people of Oman in the performance of their duties.

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court, Oman's Foreign Minister, the Commander of the Royal Omani Guard, the Chief of Royal Protocol and His Majesty's military escort.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.