
GCC ministers welcome Oman-Saudi efforts to revive Yemen political process

Published On: 11 June 2023

The Ministerial Council of the GCC has welcomed the efforts made by the Sultanate of Oman and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to revive the political process in Yemen, paving the way for a comprehensive and lasting solution.

At its 156th session meeting held at the headquarters of the GCC General Secretariat in Riyadh, the GCC Ministerial Council also valued recent contacts with all Yemeni parties, including the meetings that took place in Sanaa between April 8th and 13th April, and the positive atmosphere that followed. The Council hoped that such steps will lead to a ceasefire and action to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

In his speech to the Ministerial Council, Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr spoke of the GCC’s firm determination to pursue the process of integration between its member states through more coordination in all fields, with the aim of realising the aspirations of GCC citizens. This includes steps to advance the realisation of a customs union, a Gulf Common Market and full equality in treatment between the citizens of the GCC countries.

The Ministerial Council welcomed the outcome of the Ministerial meeting held in Riyadh on June 8th of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. The meeting reiterated the commitment of the GCC countries to continue their efforts against all terrorist organisations, both from within the Coalition and through international and regional efforts.

The Ministerial Council also welcomed the Gulf-European Conference on Combating Extremist Ideology, held at the headquarters of the GCC's Secretariat General on June 6th and 7th. The GCC states, the European Union and specialists in the studying of the phenomenon of extreme ideologies and and how to address its repercussions all took part in the Conference.

The GCC Ministerial Council noted a workshop organised by Qatar on May 29th about on Islamophobia. The Council stated that tolerance and coexistence are key principles forming the right basis for relations among nations and peoples. The Council approved the action plan in the field of human rights for the period 2023 to 2026.

Regarding the Palestinian issue, The Ministerial Council reaffirmed its firm positions. These include support for the sovereignty of the Palestinian people over all the Palestinian territories occupied since June 1967, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and guaranteeing the rights of refugees, in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative and international  resolutions. Ministers called for a redoubling of efforts by the international community to resolve the conflict, in a way that fulfils the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people.

On relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Council underlined the decisions of the Supreme Council at its 43rd session in December 2022. It stressed the importance of strengthening relations with Iran, through the principles of good neighbourliness, mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs and respect for international law. It supported  resolving disputes by peaceful means and direct dialogue, avoiding the using or the threat of force,

On the situation in Iraq, the Ministerial Council supported the existing efforts to combat terrorism and achieve security and stability. It stressed the importance of preserving the territorial integrity of Iraq, its full sovereignty, its Arab-Islamic identity, its social fabric and national unity. The Ministerial Council supported confronting terrorist groups and armed militias in order to consolidate state sovereignty and law enforcement.

The Ministerial Council also affirmed its firm positions on preserving the territorial integrity of the brotherly Syrian Arab Republic, respecting its independence and sovereignty over its lands, rejecting regional interference in its internal affairs and supporting a political solution to the Syrian crisis in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions. It supported the efforts of the Special Envoy for Syria, as well as efforts to take care of Syrian refugees and work for their safe return, in accordance with international standards.

Regarding its position with the brotherly Lebanese people, the Ministerial Council expressed the GCC's firm and continuous support for Lebanon's sovereignty, security and stability, as well for the Lebanese Armed Forces protecting its borders and resisting the threat from extremist and terrorist groups.

The Ministerial Council stressed the importance of implementing comprehensive structural reforms to ensure that Lebanon overcomes its political and economic crises,  so that it does not become a springboard for terrorism, drug smuggling or other criminal activities that threaten the security and stability of the region.

The Ministerial Council affirmed the positions and decisions of the GCC on preserving the security, safety and stability of Sudan, preserving the cohesion of the state and its institutions and preventing its collapse. It supported Sudan in facing the repercussions of the current crisis, stressing the need for calm and unity. It said priority should be given to the language of dialogue and relieving the suffering of the Sudanese people. It supported efforts to prevent any external interference in Sudanese affairs that fuels conflict and threatens regional peace and security.

The Council praised the diplomatic efforts of Saudi Arabia and the United States to help the Sudanese political forces to reach an agreement that spares the brotherly Sudanese people the scourge of war and conflict, meets their aspirations and contributes to strengthening the country's security, stability and prosperity.

The Ministerial Council also reaffirmed its positions and decisions regarding the Libyan crisis, stating its keenness to preserve the interests of the brotherly Libyan people, to achieve security, stability and development in Libya, to guarantee its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and to stop interference in its internal affairs.

The Ministerial Council also stated the importance of restoring security and stability in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and reaching a consensual political solution that takes into account the interests of all sections of the Afghan people, in a way that achieves their aspirations and benefits regional and international peace and security.

The Ministerial Council affirmed the GCC's position on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, which is based on the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. It called for the preservation of the international system based on respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of states, non-interference in their internal affairs with no use -use  force or the threat of force. It indicated its support for mediation efforts to resolve the crisis between Russia and Ukraine through a cease-fire and a political solution, giving priority to the language of dialogue and settling the conflict through negotiation.

The Council praised the results of the partnership meeting between the GCC and the sisterly Arab Republic of Egypt, which was held at the headquarters of the GCC's General Secretariat on June 5th. It stressed the importance of strengthening this partnership and furthering integration between the two sides in all fields.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.