
His Majesty gives audience to President of Zanzibar

Published On: 12 October 2022

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik gave an audience at Al Barakah Palace this morning to Dr Hussein Ali Mwinyi, President of Zanzibar.

At the outset of the audience, His Majesty welcomed the visit of President of Zanzibar to the Sultanate of Oman.

The audience reviewed areas of cooperation between Oman and Zanzibar and the efforts exerted to promote them in various spheres. His Majesty and the President also exchanged views on various issues of mutual interest.

The audience was attended from the Omani side by Dr Hamad bin Said Al Oufi, Head of the Private Office; Abdulsalam Mohammed Al Murshidi, Chairman of Oman Investment Authority; Eng. Said Hamood Al Mawali, Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology and Saud Hilal Al Shidhani, Oman’s Ambassador to Tanzania.

From the Zanzibari side it was attended by Saada Mkuya, Minister of Finance and Planning; Dr Khalid Salum Mohammed, Minister of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport; Mbarouk Nassoro Mbarouk, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation; Dr Mwinyi Talib Haji, Attorney General and Abdallah Abasi Kilima, Tanzania’s Ambassador to Oman.

After the audience, His Majesty and the President of Zanzibar held a closed-door meeting.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.