Foreign Minister participates in Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue
Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, is representing Oman at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, which is being held in the German capital.
The two-day conference is discussing the challenges facing the world in the field of energy and how to switch to renewable, more sustainable energy sources, reflecting the international trend towards a green future. It aims to provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas on a safe, environmentally responsible global energy transition.
A large number of foreign ministers, energy ministers and experts in energy and related policies from the private sector are taking part.
Oman's Foreign Minister is attending at the joint invitation of Annalena Baerbock, German Federal Foreign Minister and Dr Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.
Sayyid Badr's participation reflects Oman's commitment to strengthening international cooperation and national policies to combat the effects of climate change and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, in line with global trends to reduce carbon emissions.
This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.