
Foreign Minister holds talks with Russian Foreign Minister

Published On: 11 July 2023

Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, held talks in Moscow today with Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation.


The talks reviewed bilateral relations and explored areas of cooperation and ways to further those relations.

Russia and Oman expressed their interest in activating partnership opportunities in the fields of transport, communications, renewable energy and manufacturing industries, as well as encouraging tourism between the two countries.

The two Ministers called on private sector companies to take advantage of the good relations, as well as the existing agreements and memoranda of understanding (MoUs) between Oman and Russia covering economic, business and investment cooperation.


The meeting included an exchange of views on a number of current international and regional issues.

The Ministers agreed that it is important to encourage dialogue and support ways to resolve issues by peaceful means. They also agreed that this should be based on good neighbourliness, the rule of international law and non-interference in the internal affairs of states, while respecting their sovereignty and independence, in a way that promotes peace and stability in the world.

The discussions was attended by Munther bin Mahfouz Almanthari, Head of the Oman Foreign Ministry's Europe Department; Hamood bin Salim bin Abdullah Altowaiya, Oman's Ambassador to Russia, as well as a number of Russian and Omani officials.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.