sayid bad contacted his Brazilian counterpart

Foreign Minister consults with Brazilian Foreign Minister

Published On: 22 October 2023

Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi consulted by phone this evening with Mauro Vieira, Foreign Minister of Brazil, which currently chairs the United Nations Security Council.

The Ministers discussed the serious escalation in Gaza, the importance of protecting civilians and the need to  address the situation through the enforcement of international law.

During the conversation Sayyid Badr said the Sultanate of Oman and the other Gulf Cooperation Council countries gave the highest priority to humanitarian, political, and legal efforts to resolve the worsening situation.

He spoke of the need for the Security Council to take action to fulfil its responsibilities to stop the violent and destructive military operations by the Israeli occupation forces against the Gaza Strip and its unarmed inhabitants, their homes and facilities, and to allow humanitarian relief operations to reach them.

Sayyid Badr told Minister Vieira that the GCC countries have today submitted a letter to the UN Security Council through Brazil's UN Permanent Representative, calling for urgent Security Council discussions on the exceptional circumstances and their implications for security and peace in the region.

They GCC countries  also called on the Security Council to adopt an internationally agreed resolution to secure a ceasefire and safely provide the Gaza Strip with humanitarian relief as a matter of urgency.

At the conclusion of the conversation, the Ministers agreed on the importance of a political solution to the Palestinian issue, based on a two-state solution and respect for international law.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.