Sayyid-Badr-at Rome-Conference-on-Development-and-Migration

Foreign Minister calls for faster action on climate change

Published On: 23 July 2023

Oman’s Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi has called for faster international action on climate change and its effects.

In remarks to the Rome Conference on Development and Migration the Minister said the Sultanate recognises the concern of European countries in the face of an uncontrolled and chaotic tide of migration.

“But quite frankly, unless we grapple with climate, migration will surely grow and run further out of control. Unless we grapple with climate, sustainable development will remain out of reach,” he said.

The Minister was speaking at the International Conference on Development and Migration organised by the Italian Government.

Attended by more than 20 nations and international organisations, including the International Monetary Fund, the Islamic Development Bank and the World Bank, the Conference agreed to launch the “Rome Process” as a “strategic, comprehensive, inclusive platform for collective action.”

According to the conclusions of the conference released by the Italian government, the Rome Process aims to address the root causes of forced displacement and to prevent and tackle irregular migration and human trafficking across the broader Mediterranean region, the Middle East and Africa.

In his remarks to the Conference, Sayyid Badr said:“Without partnership we can have no lasting solutions. In our interdependent world the only solutions are multilateral solutions.

“But this recognition, and all the words spoken today, are not enough. We need more action.

“We are going in the right direction. But still the world is moving far too slowly.”

The Minister said Oman fully supports the COP process on tackling climate change and looks forward to engaging in the COP 28 conference in the United Arab Emirates later this year.

“But in the meantime,” he added, “We hope to see more tangible progress, progress that properly reflects the sentiments expressed here today and the emergency we face.”

To read the full text of the Minister’s remarks to the Rome Conference click here.