The Foreign Minister reviews bilateral relations with his Cypriot counterpart

Foreign Minister and Cypriot Foreign Minister review relations

Published On: 28 January 2024

Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, Minister received Dr Constantinos Kombos, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Cyprus.

The Ministers reviewed relations between Oman and Cyprus and ways to develop and diversify cooperation between the two countries in the economic, commercial and technical fields.

They agreed to finalise a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding including an agreement to avoid double taxation and prevent income tax evasion and a cooperation agreement on public security issues. They also agreed on cooperation projects in the field of agriculture and fisheries and agreed to focus on activating partnership in the fields of shipping, tourism, education and renewable energy.

The Ministers also exchanged views on current regional and international developments, most notably the repercussions of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and the tragic humanitarian situation there as well as tension in the Red Sea.

They reaffirmed the necessity of reaching an immediate ceasefire, allowing access of humanitarian relief to the Gaza Strip and resuming the process of establishing a two-state solution to achieve security and a comprehensive peace.

Commenting on social media Sayyid Badr said the meeting stressed the responsibility of the global community towards Gaza, respect for international law and the urgent need for access of aid.

The meeting was attended by Andreas Nicolaides, Ambassador of Cyprus to Oman; Ambassador Munther bin Mahfouz Almandhari, Head of the Europe Department, as well as a number of Omani and Cypriot officials.

Commenting on social media Foreign Minister Kombos said the discussions were “positive and forward-looking.”

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.

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