Oman condemns burning of Holy Quran in Denmark
The Foreign Ministry has expressed Oman's condemnation of the burning of copies of the Holy Quran by an extremist in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.
A Foreign Ministry statement said that the continuation of such heinous behaviour promotes an ideology of extremism and hatred and offends religions and beliefs.
The statement added that such actions require a serious and firm stand by the concerned countries and the international community. It said that such acts should be criminalised and the perpetrators punished for the provocation it causes to the feelings of people around the world and the incitement to violence and hatred that it represents.
The Ministry reaffirmed its position calling for the upholding of the values of coexistence, peace, respect for religions and diversity of cultures and the rejection of extremism and discrimination.
This is an unofficial English version of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.