
Foreign Minister chairs Executive Council meeting of Middle East Desalination Research Centre

Published On: 26 October 2022

Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi chaired this morning a meeting of the Executive Council of the Middle East Desalination Research Centre,

During the meeting, by consensus among the member states, Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Diplomatic Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry was appointed as Chairman of the Executive Council and the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the membership of the Centre was approved.

The work and activities of the centre, including its research and training programmes, were reviewed and plans and budgets for 2023 were approved.

The representatives of the participating countries praised the role and efforts of the Foreign Minister over the past 25 years as Chairman of the Executive Council. They also expressed their appreciation for the continuing support provided by the Sultanate of Oman in hosting the MEDRC's headquarters in Muscat and Oman's efforts in support of peace and cooperation to achieve the goals for which the MEDRC was created.

The Middle East Desalination Research Centre is an international organisation based in Oman which was established in 1996 as part of the Water Resources Working Group emanating from the multilateral Middle East peace process.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
