France: Ambassador launches Discover Oman programme in Paris

France: Ambassador launches Discover Oman programme in Paris

23 October 2024

Ahmed Bin Mohamed Bin Nasser Alaraimi, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Republic of France, inaugurated the “Discover Oman” cultural programme, which includes lectures and academic and cultural activities aimed at introducing Oman to prominent French academic circles and research centres with an interest in the region.

from the Discover Oman event in Paris

During the event, First Secretary Yusuf Alabdali made a visual presentation  that provided general information about Oman, highlighting its cultural and historical features. He also discussed in some detail the main pillars of Oman Vision 2040.

Laurent Bonnefoy speaking about Oman

French researcher Dr Laurent Bonnefoy, from the Institute of Political Science and the National Centre for Strategic Research, delivered a lecture titled “The Omani Exception and Uniqueness.”

The event was attended by the Director of the Arab World Institute, several university heads, directors of research and strategic centres, as well as various professors and researchers with an interest in the Middle East.

فعالية اكتشف عُمان في باريس
