For the fifth round of political consultations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Azerbaijan

Oman and Azerbaijan hold political talks

Published On: 10 December 2023

The fifth round of political consultations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Azerbaijan was held today at the Foreign Ministry in Muscat.

The Omani representation was chaired by Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs, while the Azerbaijani representation was led by Yalchin Rafiyev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The fifth round of political consultations between Oman and Azerbaijan

The meeting reviewed the existing relations between Oman and Azerbaijan and reaffirmed a shared commitment to further develop these relations. The meeting also addressed a number of regional and international issues of common interest.

The session was attended by Ambassador Sheikh Hamad bin Saif Al Rawahi, Head of the Foreign Ministry's Central Asia Department; Shahin Abdullayev, Azerbaijan's Ambassador to Oman, and several officials from both Oman and Azerbaijan.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.