Sayyid Badr phone call with Japanese Foreign Minister

Foreign Minister and Japanese Foreign Minister discuss urgent truce in Gaza

Published On: 4 November 2023

Oman's Foreign Minister, Sayyid Badr Albusaidi and Yoko Kamikawa, Foreign Minister of Japan, held a phone conversation today in which they agreed on making it the utmost priority to achieve an urgent truce in the war in Gaza.

They agreed that this is needed to enable faster access to greater quantities of humanitarian relief for the people of Gaza and to stop the further loss of civilian life.

During the call, they also emphasised the importance of prioritising dialogue to find a lasting resolution of the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution and international law, to break the cycle of violence and extremism.

The two Ministers also expressed their support for furthering trade, economic and tourism between Oman and Japan and for encouraging ways to expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.