
Arab countries call for Gaza ceasefire at UN

Published On: 31 October 2023

The Arab Group of countries has made a united call to the United Nations for an end to the war in Gaza.

The plan calls for an immediate, permanent and sustainable humanitarian truce that leads to an immediate cessation of hostilities and the protection of all civilian facilities for humanitarian purposes, including hospitals and places of worship.

In the call for a ceasefire, the Arab Group renewed its position that a just, comprehensive and lasting peace, in accordance with the approved terms of reference and the Arab Peace Initiative, is a strategic Arab choice. The group said the only way to secure a lasting peace is the establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem  as its capital based on the borders of June 4th, 1967.

This was the position in a statement made by Ambassador Mahmoud Dhaifallah Al-Hamoud, Permanent Representative of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations in New York, on behalf of the Arab Group, in the emergency session before the UN Security Council within the work of the tenth special session of the General Assembly on illegal Israeli actions in East Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories. Jordan presented the statement in its capacity as Chairman of the Arab Group for the current month.

The statement added that the Arab Group and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation requested the Presidency of the General Assembly to resume the work of the Tenth Emergency Session of the General Assembly, as it was clear that the Security Council was unable to carry out its responsibility to maintain international peace and security and stop the war on Gaza.

The statement explained that the General Assembly’s recent adoption of a Jordanian resolution on the war in Gaza sent a  clear message that the international community stood for justice, for the protection of innocent civilians, for adherence to legal, humanitarian and international obligations, an end to war crimes and for an immediate cessation of the raging Israeli war on Gaza.

The General Assembly’s resolution called for action to create a horizon for ending this war. It called for:

First, an immediate, permanent, and sustainable humanitarian truce that leads to an immediate cessation of hostilities and the protection of all civilian facilities for humanitarian purposes, including hospitals and places of worship.

Second that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law.

Third ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid, including basic supplies and services, to all civilians in need in the Gaza Strip.

Fourth the rejection of any attempts aimed at forcibly transferring the Palestinian civilian population and to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all civilians who are illegally detained.

The group's statement called on the international community to exert its efforts to put pressure on Israel, in a decisive manner, to stop its procrastination in bringing in aid and to allow it to be delivered urgently, and in sufficient quantities, to address the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

The statement said that fewer than 85 trucks had entered the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing since the outbreak of violence, compared to more than 500 that entered the Gaza Strip daily, before the war.

The statement affirmed that the Arab Republic of Egypt has not and will not spare any effort to ensure the rapid entry of humanitarian and relief aid to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, despite the Israeli obstacles that hinder the entry of aid due to political considerations. These obstacles include flimsy security claims and Israel's constant threats to bomb the Rafah crossing.

Jordan's representative stated that the continuation of the Israeli war on Gaza and the resulting humanitarian catastrophe, inevitably brings the danger of the war spreading in the region. He warned of the consequences of this war on the security of the entire world.

In this regard, he stressed the importance of a ceasefire along the Lebanese border, stating that repeated Israeli attacks on the villages of southern Lebanon had caused the displacement of 30,000 Lebanese people and the death more than 50. He said that Israeli forces  had been responsible for the direct targeting of positions of the Lebanese army and UNIFI and the death of two journalists.

The statement said that the war on Gaza had entered a new phase, threatening further destruction, killing, and persecution against of people of Gaza, on a far greater scaler than that seen in recent days.

Jordan's Representative said when the Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister spoke before the Security Council last Tuesday, the total Palestinian civilian casualties stood at 6,000. Today, less than a week later the statement continued the total numbers of casualties stands at 8,000, including some 3,300 children and 2,000 women. This does not include an estimated 2,000 people buried under the rubble of destroyed buildings.

The acts of genocide and killing will not stop, the statement said, as long as Israel hears from some quarters justifications for the crimes it commits, and covers. Without any accountability, and as long as this politeness and silence regarding its actions continues, Israel will continue in its actions without deterrence, accountability or oversight.

The statement called on the Council to respond to the cries of the people of Gaza, who now have no place to shelter from the Israeli killing machine, after their homes, hospitals, and places of worship were demolished around them and the United Nations facilities in which they took refuge were bombed. The statement called on the Council to respond to the call of human conscience, which was expressed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for the necessity of a ceasefire, the entry of humanitarian and medical aid, respect for international law and the protection of civilians and international relief institutions.

The statement also called on the Council to give priority to the principles of justice and humanity, to protect United Nations facilities, Gaza’s hospitals,  and infrastructure. The statement said Israel should be held legally and criminally responsible for the acts of genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes it is committing  in Gaza, recalling that these crimes are committed before the eyes of the international community.

The statement stressed the need to stop the war in Gaza, protect civilians and adhere to legal and humanitarian obligations, in line with the principles and values on which UN was founded, as an essential contribution to strengthening security, stability and peace in the region and the world.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.