
GCC-EU Ministerial Council discusses strategic partnership and regional issues

Published On: 10 October 2023

The 27th meeting of the Joint GCC-EU Ministerial Council took place at the Al Bustan Palace Hotel in Muscat today, bringing together representatives of the six countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and the 27 countries of the European Union.

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Sayyid Badr Hamad Al Busaidi, Foreign Minister the Sultanate of Oman which is the chair of the current session of the GCC, said the session was a key milestone in the development of the strategic partnership between the GCC and the EU,.

He said the partnership is shaped by the values which the two regional organisations share.

“I believe that our gathering here in this forum is a prime opportunity to engage in a substantive dialogue aimed at combatting the spread of Islamophobia and xenophobia. We are very concerned that acts of Islamophobic hate will incite violence against Muslims,” he said.

Sayyid Badr then spoke of the power of regional organisations like the GCC and the EU to deliver progress.

“I think we can all agree that we believe, collectively, in the capacity of regional organisations to strengthen security and stability, to promote economic activity and to enhance prosperity and the well- being of our citizens.

“Economic activity, and the deepening of economic relations between us, can be a powerful means for political relations, strengthening peace, and avoiding conflict,” he said.

“And to build on our partnership I hope we can breathe new life into efforts to develop a free trade environment among us,” he added.


In his speech Sayyid Badr also made suggestions for concrete action in three specific areas.

He proposed setting up an energy and climate change expert group to help making investment in green energy as effective as possible.

He also suggested greater collaboration on cyber security and including GCC students within the EU’s Erasmus Plus overseas study and exchange programme.

Sayyid Badr also called for research and innovation to be made a priority area for the GCC EU partnership.

Regarding the Palestinian-Israeli issue, Sayyid Badr called for restraint, an immediate ceasefire, a release of prisoners on all sides and adherence to international humanitarian laws.

Noting that 2023 has been the worst year for violence since 2005, with more than 200 Palestinians and and nearly 30 Israelis killed in the West Bank, he added : “It is the causes of this violence that need to be addressed.”

“Until the plight and suffering of the Palestinians is properly resolved in line with international law, we will see no lasting peace.”

Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Vice-President of the European Commission then spoke of the importance of the partnership between the GCC and the EU for the prosperity and stability of the two regions, adding that the partnership can have a profound influence on the international arena.

He stated that the meeting came at a time when the world is witnessing tragic moments in the history of the Middle East with the escalation of violence between Palestinians and Israelis. He said the implications from this escalation on the possibility of the two peoples living side by side in peace and security were serious.

Mr Borrell spoke of the need to help revitalise the two-state solution.

“We need to do more and quicker,” he said. “We all need to engage actively, in a persistent and creative manner to move beyond the current deadlock. The conflict will not go away, not disappear. And it will only get worse with time. ”

“We must seize the opportunity that today’s meeting presents. Today we have a date with history – if I may say – this is not an ordinary meeting. Today we have a date with history, and an opportunity to explore ways to do what we can to defuse the ongoing crisis and look beyond the current day and try to project our efforts in a future in order to look for a solution that prevents this happens again,” he said.

Mr Borrell said the EU was ready to support regional-led efforts to address security challenges in the Gulf region. “By finding common ground to address regional stability and combining efforts, we can yield meaningful results and contribute to a more secure and prosperous world,” he added.

He said the discussions at the session would also dedicate particular attention to concrete joint actions on climate change and green transition, in preparation of a successful COP28, and to humanitarian aid with a view to join efforts for a more effective humanitarian aid system.

In his speech, Jasem Mohamed Al Budaiwi, Secretary General of the GCC spoke of the real joint desire to strengthen cooperation frameworks in all fields and at all levels.

He added that the meeting was of great importance  given the major challenges of international security and peace, the global economy, climate change, energy security, food and water security. He said these challenges require strengthening the partnership based on coordination and consultations between the two sides to enhance security and stability, deepen mutual trust and achieve common interests.

The Secretary General affirmed the GCC’s keenness to strengthen its role in maintaining stability and security in the region and supporting the prosperity of its people. He also advocated constructive dialogue as a method and good neighbourliness as a principle to strengthen relations between the countries of the region.

The Joint Ministerial Council then continued its discussions in private.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.