Foreign Minister at Middle East Summit dialogue

Published On: 21 September 2023

Oman's Foreign Minister, Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, took part in a dialogue session at a Middle East Summit, organised by the  Al-Monitor and Semafor news websites in New York.

Reporting on Sayyid Badr's contribution to the Summit Al Monitor quotes the Minister as saying he  believes “rapprochement” is taking place between Iran and the U.S., adding that he said  he was hopeful that the recent prisoner exchange between the two countries would lead to more such steps in the months to come.

Al Monitor reports that the Minister said that even if the process was “slow, painstaking, and challenging,” it was important for the Iran and U.S. to “maintain a momentum of trust… and deescalation” for the good of the global economy.

Al Monitor also reports that Sayyid Badr told the Summit that the Iran nuclear deal was the “best thing we have” and that experts believe “it can be done.” Al Monitor adds that addressing questions about Iran’s behaviour in the region, Sayyid Badr said that Oman was “in favour of having a platform where Iran can talk bilaterally.”

“We should… acknowledge that all of us are part of this region, including Iran, and therefore we all have a vested interest in the region’s future,” it quotes him as saying.

For more detail on the Al Monitor/Semafor event please click here and here

During the session, Sayyid Badr also spoke about the Sultanate of Oman’s position on various regional and international issues, and in particular the issue of Palestinian.

In this regard he spoke of the necessity of achieving a comprehensive and just peace on the basis of the two-state solution. He added that Oman welcomes all initiatives aimed at encouraging and strengthening stability in the region to the benefit of all peoples in the region.

During the dialogue session the Foreign Minister also highlighted Oman’s plans for zero carbon neutrality, as laid out in the axes of the “Oman 2040” vision.

He added that the Sultanate of Oman is open to multiple investment and partnership opportunities in the fields of tourism, the blue economy, the mining sector, and other areas of economic diversification.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.