
Oman condemns granting permits to extremists in Sweden to burn copies of the Holy Quran

Published On: 21 July 2023

The Foreign Ministry has expressed the Sultanate of Oman's strong condemnation of the repeated grant of permits and protection to extremists by the competent authorities in Sweden, to burn and desecrate copies of the Holy Quran.

In a statement the Ministry says that the Sultanate condemns these acts both as provocations against the feelings and sacred beliefs of Muslims, and as an incitement to violence and hatred.

The statement says that Oman is calling on the international community to take a firmer stance by criminalising all acts that incite hatred and conflict between religions and cultures and offend laws and beliefs.

It adds that is important to promote the culture and values of peaceful coexistence and tolerance among all members of societies of different religions and cultures and that is important to promote international understanding and cooperation in order to build a world of peace and mutual respect.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
