
Oman condemns Israeli raids on Lebanon

24 September 2024

The Foreign Ministry expresses the Sultanate of Oman's condemnation and denunciation of the raids launched by the Israeli occupation forces on Lebanese territory.

An official statement says the raids represent a dangerous escalation that threatens security and stability in the region and works to expand the scope of the conflict, threatening to drag the region into more violence and instability.

The Foreign Ministry stresses the need for the international community to take measures to put an end to these Israeli attacks in accordance with international law.

The Ministry also expresses the Sultanate of Oman's solidarity with the sisterly Lebanese Republic, its condolences to the families of the victims and its sincere wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured, stressing its complete rejection of any violations of Lebanon's sovereignty and territory.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
